About the Gallery
Artworks@7th got its start in 2004 with a small group of local artists who were brought together and asked if they would take a chance to establish an artists' cooperative in the small seaside town of North Beach, Maryland. The answer was a resounding "Yes." Rental space for the gallery was found above the Nice n Fleazy Antiques store at the corner of 7th Street and Bay Avenue, carpeting was installed, walls were painted, lighting was installed and a bright, vibrant gallery was born.In September of 2006 the opportunity became available to move just across the street to a separate building with a storefront and 3 times the space of the original gallery. This move was a giant leap of faith and showed the commitment and spirit of growth that this cooperative embodies.
In March of 2012, the Gallery moved a few doors south to a new, more modern location. The gallery was closer to the boardwalk and provided a more open layout and better lighting. In June of 2016 the gallery moved again to it's current location. The cooperative includes between 20 to 30 artists and continues to enjoy both individual and joint success. To have their work considered for inclusion, artists are asked to submit an application and samples of their work, which are juried by member artists.To keep the art fresh and inviting, artists frequently rotate in new pieces. Monthly shows include individual artists shows, guest artist shows, small works shows, and theme shows throughout the year as voted on by the membership. In addition, the gallery members engage in numerous community activities in an effort to expand the public's knowledge and appreciation of the arts.